Published on in Vol 3 (2024)

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Technology-Enabled Recreation and Leisure Programs and Activities for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: Rapid Scoping Review

Technology-Enabled Recreation and Leisure Programs and Activities for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: Rapid Scoping Review

Technology-Enabled Recreation and Leisure Programs and Activities for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: Rapid Scoping Review

Kristina Marie Kokorelias   1, 2, 3, 4 , PhD ;   Josephine McMurray   5 , PhD ;   Charlene Chu   4, 6, 7 , PhD ;   Arlene Astell   2, 4, 7, 8 , PhD ;   Alisa Grigorovich   7, 9 , PhD ;   Pia Kontos   4, 7, 10 , PhD ;   Jessica Babineau   7 , MLIS ;   Jessica Bytautas   7, 10 , MSc ;   Ashley Ahuja   6 , BScN ;   Andrea Iaboni   4, 7, 8 , PhD, MD

1 Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, Sinai Health System and University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

2 Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

3 National Institute on Ageing, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON, Canada

4 Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

5 Lazaridis School of Business & Economics/Community Health, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada

6 Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

7 KITE Research Institute, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

8 Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

9 Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, St. Catherine's, ON, Canada

10 Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Corresponding Author:

  • Kristina Marie Kokorelias, PhD
  • Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine
  • Sinai Health System and University Health Network
  • 600 University Avenue
  • Toronto, ON, M5G 1V7
  • Canada
  • Phone: 1 2899252096
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