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Design Innovation for Engaging and Accessible Digital Aphasia Therapies: Framework Analysis of the iReadMore App Co-Design Process

JMIR Neurotech 2022;1(1):e39855

190 24 1
The Easy and Versatile Neural Recording Platform (T-REX): Design and Development Study

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e47881

156 19 0
A Digital Telehealth System to Compute Myasthenia Gravis Core Examination Metrics: Exploratory Cohort Study

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e43387

414 10 3
A Novel System to Monitor Tic Attacks for Tourette Syndrome Using Machine Learning and Wearable Technology: Preliminary Survey Study and Proposal for a New Sensing Device

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e43351

469 8 0
Remote Consultations for People With Parkinson Disease and Cognitive Impairment: Interview Study With Patients, Caregivers, and Health Care Professionals

JMIR Neurotech 2022;1(1):e39974

169 7 3
Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e41439

233 7 0
Interrater Agreement on National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Between Paramedics and Stroke Physicians: Validation Study for the Digital Training Model in the Paramedic Norwegian Acute Stroke Prehospital Project

JMIR Neurotech 2022;1(1):e39444

117 7 5
Remote Testing Apps for Multiple Sclerosis Patients: Scoping Review of Published Articles and Systematic Search and Review of Public Smartphone Apps

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e37944

253 6 0
Connect Brain, a Mobile App for Studying Depth Perception in Angiography Visualization: Gamification Study

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e45828

116 6 0
Ethics and Governance of Neurotechnology in Africa: Lessons From AI

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e56665

81 6 0
JMIR Neurotechnology: Connecting Clinical Neuroscience and (Information) Technology

JMIR Neurotech 2022;1(1):e41122

119 5 0
Virtual Reality–Based Neurorehabilitation Support Tool for People With Cognitive Impairments Resulting From an Acquired Brain Injury: Usability and Feasibility Study

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e50538

171 5 1
Direct Clinical Applications of Natural Language Processing in Common Neurological Disorders: Scoping Review

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e51822

72 4 0
Smartphone Pupillometry and Machine Learning for Detection of Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Cohort Study

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e58398

68 3 0
Application of a Low-Cost mHealth Solution for the Remote Monitoring of Patients With Epilepsy: Algorithm Development and Validation

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e50660

95 3 0
A Semantic Relatedness Model for the Automatic Cluster Analysis of Phonematic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Tasks Performed by People With Parkinson Disease: Prospective Multicenter Study

JMIR Neurotech 2023;2(1):e46021

186 3 0
Technology-Enabled Recreation and Leisure Programs and Activities for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: Rapid Scoping Review

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e53038

15 3 0
Beyond Audio-Video Telehealth: Perspective on the Current State and Future Directions of Digital Neurological Care in the United States

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e46736

99 3 0
Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Critical Assessment of Current Developments and Future Prospects

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e60151

41 2 0
The Potential for Using Extended Reality Technology in Interdisciplinary Case Discussions and Case Planning in Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Proof-of-Concept Usability Study

JMIR Neurotech 2022;1(1):e36960

120 1 2
Assessing the Role of the Autonomic Nervous System as a Driver of Sleep Quality in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: Observation Study

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e48148

9 0 0
Validity of a Smartphone App to Objectively Monitor Performance Outcomes in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Preliminary Findings From a Longitudinal Observational Study

JMIR Neurotech 2024;3(1):e52832

8 0 0

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